Monday, August 18, 2014

Tsula Update

So I haven't posted in awhile because I have been VERY busy. We have been reunited with my husband and are moving into a new house. Tsula has made some incredible process at 8 months she has been pulling herself up and stand against chairs and tables for a month.She started eating cookies a little after starting solids at 6 months. she's been a crawling machine and sitting be herself since 4 months and babbling her mama's and dada's since 3 months. She started lifting her head early at only 3 weeks; she was holding it up for 10 minutes at this time too! Overall Tsula is progressing quickly and is a happy healthy baby. Currently she has 2 teeth pushing through at the bottom. Only thing that helps her teething is a cool damp washcloth she has 2for teething; one with knots and one without. She's also been eating harder foods to help relieve the itching like apples and crackers. She is also in the hair pulling and everything goes into the mouth stages. She loves going to the park and swinging on the baby swing. I myself have found a teacher whose going to teach me to sew and to can food. I've also made a lot of progress in my crocheting skills. I have made Tsula 2 dresses with matching hats, 4 pairs of shoes, a stuff elephant and a stuffed bunny. I am planning on making myself a shawl soon too. My day consists of me waking up early to feed Tsula, then she falls back asleep cuddling with daddy  while I go clean up the living room and make breakfast.Then if my husband isn't going into work we go out and do some dog training or other out of the house chores. If he does go into work I clean the rest of the house crochet or watch TV while I tend to Tsula who is always either napping, playing on the floor with her toybox (not her toys the box for them) standing in her bouncer eating or playing with the dogs. Once daddy is home from work she plays with him for a little bit before going off to bed. She is a lucky baby she has a 9:30 bedtime that's consistent. All in all I'm am a very fortunate woman to have such and awesome husband and unbelievably easy first baby girl. More to come as I learn new things with Tsula.